The Rundown
Female modeling is one of the most challenging, rewarding, and thrilling careers in the world.
The criteria for judging a female model is far more diverse than her looks, size, and style, but there are still some things that are imperative for success.

Professional portfolios that demonstrate all your key strengths are a must. Many agencies and companies will only review portfolios before deciding which models to meet in person, so it’s crucial that your portfolio stands out from the crowd.
Recent years have brought with them more modeling opportunities than ever before. As the industry has become more diverse, models of all shapes, sizes, and looks are now available for agencies and companies. New types of models are constantly being sought as companies advance into the modern age. In order to better understand which avenue of the industry you are best suited to, it is vital that you receive advice and guidance from Apple Models.

Although it may seem that looks are all that matters when applying for a modeling job, there is actually much more that is considered. On a shoot, you’ll be working with a wide array of professionals, from make-up artists to hairdressers, so having a friendly personality and being easy to work with is important. Having this personality will also help you stand out to the agency when they are making hiring decisions.