Portfolios are the most important tool to have when applying to any agency or company. Portfolios are like resumes that show off your modeling range and what you have to offer. Portfolios don’t necessarily have to have professional images, but they are a sign that you are serious about becoming a model.
We can tailor your portfolio to the areas that you are interested in, as well as ensuring that each of the photos is professionally shot and produced to present you in the best light.

An eFolio is the newest fad in the modeling world, allowing models to have a copy of their portfolio on them at all times with a single touch of a button. Freelancers will also benefit from this tool, since it allows them to leave a copy of their portfolio with any prospective agency without carrying tons of portfolios with them. It is possible to upload photos of your most recent jobs to your eFolio, keeping it up-to-date!
The cards include around 6-8 images from the shoot, along with contact information to leave with agencies or employers. The purpose of keeping this on you is to make sure that you take advantage of all potential opportunities that may occur by chance. Additionally, it shows that you are serious about winning work as a professional model. At Apple Models, we can help you to curate and produce a professional Z Card suited to the niche you want to explore.